Hereinafter we have collected various useful links to the internet services (pages) dealing with fibromyalgia syndrome and accompanying disorders. Majority of services are in English, however we have collected number of websites in others languages. We have to notice the growing number of pages providing valuable information about fibromyalgia syndrome.
WWW Selected Sites in Various Languages:
- the American Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association
- the Fibromyalgia Association UK
- What one should know about fibromyalgia - UK Fibromyalgia
- NFA Magazine payable - Fibromyalgia Aware Magazine
- Fibromyalgia Network – Fibromyalgia Network
- NFA in the USA – National Fibromyalgia Association
- Fibromyalgia - Information Center - Fibromyalgia Resource Center
- Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – News & Information - Fibromyalgia ProHealth
- Fibromialgia – Patients Support, Germany - Fibromyalgie Patientenhilfe Deutschland
- Research and Training Center - Missouri Arthritis Rehabilitation Research and Training Center
- Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association in France - Association Française du Syndrome de Fatigue Chronique et de Fibromyalgie
- Fibromialgia - La Fibromyalgie
- VeryWell – internet portal treating about health problems – Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Books treating about fibromyalgia:
- Fibromyalgie endlich erkennen – richtig behandeln – author: dr Wolfgang Brückle
- Die Heilung der Natur bei scherzhafter Fibromyalgie – author: dr Maximilian Schilling
- The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution – author: Jacob Teitelbaum
- Fibromialgia, a jeśli istnieje nadzieja na wyzdrowienie in Polish language – author: dr Ewa Danuta Białek
- The fibromyalgia breaktrough program (pdf file 60 pages) – author: Matt Traverso
- Fibromyalgia and the role of brain connectivity in pain inhibition – authors: Pär Flodin et al Karolinska Institutet (Stockholm, Sweden)
- Take Back Your Life – author: Tami Stackelhouse - Fibromyalgia Coach
- Foods that fight fibromyalgia – author: Deirdre Rowlings
- What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia – authors: Dr. Paul St. Armand and Claudia Craig Marek, see also Guaifenesin protocol for fibromyalgia
L'Association de la fibromyalgie de Laval
l’Association de fibromyalgie – région de Québec
Deutsche Fibromyalgie Vereinigung e. V.
l’Association Fibromyalgie France/p>
Association Française du Syndrome de Fatigue Chronique et de Fibromyalgie
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schmerzmedizin e.V.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie e.V.